Save You

Autor teksta
Mateja Šekelja (asper)
Autor glazbe
Mateja Šekelja (asper)
Mateja Šekelja (asper)

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Let me save you

Let me

Do you really think that it’s no sin

Playing god and wearing lion’s skin

You pretend that you’re not scared

Then you pull gun and clutch your hand

Only in the darkest hour of the night

You finally feel satisfied

Don t you think it’s a little strange

I guess some things never change

Now you re all alone

In your candy cave

You’ve got nowhere to go


Let me save you, show you the light

Let me save you, show you the other side

Let me save you, I’ll show you the light

Let me save you

Oh, let me save you

Let me, let me save you


When your body hits the earth

There’s no coming back

When the bullet in your chest

Remembers your last breath

You’ll try to dig a hole

You cannot escape

With past wrapped around you

I’ll make you understand

Now you’re all alone

In your candy cave

You’ve got nowhere to go


Let me save you, show you the light

Let me save you, show you the other side

Let me save you, I’ll show you the light

Let me save you

Oh, let me save you


When I come for you

Your fear will shatter

Where you’re from, where you’re going

Doesn’t even matter

Just pick up your worries

And give them all to me


And let me save you

Let me save you

Oh, let me save you

Let me save you, show you the light

Let me save you, show you the other side

Let me save you, I’ll show you the light

Let me save you

Oh, let me save you

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